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CHAPTER 1: Your Assignment Is Any Problem You Were Created To Solve On Earth.

Creativity Is The Search For Solutions.
You were created for a specific and very special purpose…to solve a specific problem on earth. I call this, The Assignment. (See Jeremiah 1:4-5.)
You Are A Solution To Somebody. You are a reward to someone.Somebody needs you. Somebody wants you. You are necessary to somebody, somewhere… today.
It Is Essential That You Discover Your Assignment And Give Yourself Totally To It. “Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called,” (1 Corinthians 7:20).

CHAPTER 2: What You Love Is A Clue To The Gifts And Wisdom You Contain To Complete Your Assignment.

Love Is The Map To Your Wisdom.
Wisdom Is The Product of Love.
Discern your gifts. Identify your difference. Build your daily agenda around it. Whatever you are gifted to do is what you should be doing.

CHAPTER 3: What You Hate Is A Clue To Something You Are Assigned To Correct.

Anger Is Passion. It simply requires appropriate focus. Have you ever wondered why others were not angry about situations that infuriated you? Of course you have.
3 Wisdom Keys In Understanding Anger 1. You Cannot Correct What You Are Unwilling To Confront.
2. Anything Permitted Will Increase.
3. What You Can Tolerate You Cannot Change.
An angry man is an awakened man. Only an angry man can change the mind of the unconcerned.

CHAPTER 4: What Grieves You Is A Clue To Something You Are Assigned To Heal.

Feelings Are Often Signposts To Your Assignment.
Your Greatest Enemy Is Always Within You.
Tears Are Clues To Where God Will Use You Most.

CHAPTER 5: If You Rebel Against Your Assignment, God May Permit Painful Experiences To Correct You.

God Cannot Be Ignored Without A Consequence(Jonah 1:2-4).
The Disobedience of One Can Create Corporate Judgment On Many. When one defies the will of God,everyone involved must pay the price for it.
When Wrong People Leave Your Life, Wrong Things Stop Happening.
6 Rewards of Pain;
1. Pain forces you to look……to The Word of God for answers.
2. Pain forces you to lean……on the arm of God, instead of men.
3. Pain forces you to learn……where you went astray.
4. Pain forces you to long……for His presence and healing.
5. Pain forces you to listen……for changes in God’s instructions.
6. Pain forces you to love……whatever remains.

CHAPTER 6: Your Assignment Will Require Seasons of Preparation.

You Are Not Born Qualified—You Become Qualified.
Jesus required preparation. Jesus spent 30 years preparing for His ministry. “And Jesus Himself began to be about thirty years of age,” (Luke 3:23). These days seem so different for young ministers. The average young minister wants to prepare for three-and-a-half years for 30 years of public ministry. Jesus did the opposite. He prepared for 30years for a public ministry of three-and-a-half years.
Your Heavenly Father Knows What He Is Doing With Your Life. “But He knoweth the way that I take: when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold,” (Job 23:10).

CHAPTER 7: You Will Only Succeed When Your Assignment Becomes An Obsession.

6 Keys For Developing An Obsession For Your Assignment:

Identify Any Distraction To Your Assignment.(Hebrews 12:1)

Be Ruthless In Refusing Any Responsibilities Unrelated To Your Assignment. (2 Timothy 2:4)

Become An Expert On Your Assignment. (2Timothy 2:15)

Avoid Any Conversation With Those Who Disrespect Your Assignment. (2 Timothy 2:16,23)

Prepare For Uncommon Adversity.

Disconnect From Any Relationship That Does Not Celebrate Your Obsession. (2 Thessalonians 3:14)

When You Make Your Assignment Your Obsession, Wrong Relationships Will Die.
When Your Obsession Is To Do The Right Thing, Wrong People Will Find You Unbearable.


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NB: Contact me for the PDF version of the original book, if you're interested.

Compiled by:
Bamikunle David A. (Dbam) 

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