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“What Are You Doing With Your Life?” - Bello K Sofiyat

The worst thing about this question is that it’s always asked when you least expect it. You’re always put on the spot, and you always mumble something about “figuring it out” and “crying a lot in my bedroom at night” without even realising it.

But this isn’t good enough. Sure, the real answer is that none of us know what we’re doing with our lives, but we can’t give these nosy people the satisfaction. We’ve rounded up the most foolproof answers so you don’t have to worry about it.

Now, let me go on some points to expantiate further on how to Decide what to do with your life?

1. Be Grateful you have the option in the first place. 

knowing these questions to oneself is like somebody's knowing what's next in his/her life. When you have know and want to make a demand to the question above shows you are at a limelight of your Future.

2. Stop Doing This to Yourself.

a) Procrastination-: Do you have a habit of shifting your tasks to the next day or next week? I am not talking about re-scheduling but leaving the task without setting any definite timeline. I understand that it happens with many of us but procrastination always stands in the way of reaching your goals. The worst is, we end up creating a mess with poor work quality when the deadline comes.

b) Stagnancy-: Many of us become so habitual of our daily routine that we forget that stagnancy has already made its way in our lives. In this situation, we often avoid to learn new things or take up new challenges in the fear of failure or what others would think. However, without developing new skills or polishing the ones you possess, you end up missing the target despite nearing it.

C) Inconsistency-: If you take examples of celebrities or someone you admire, you will find that they were consistently working for their goals. For example, those who fight for prestigious examinations make sure that they read for at least 6 hours a day, no matter what. Or look at the Hollywood actors, they keep themselves so fit with regular exercises. A consistent attitude signals your brain about your goals and your efforts are nurtured equally.

d) Overconfidence-: confidence is good but crossing over the limits of confidence may cost you your goals. When you stop trying new things and keep your glass already full, there are chances that you will face failure. It is best to keep the confidence to a level which allows you to experiment newness while also embracing the possessed skills.

e) Distractions-: Now this is really important, especially when we are surrounded by phone, social media, chat apps and other social networks. Moreover, there will always be some people who will try to distract you from your aim by offering time wasting activities. These activities may look pleasurable for a moment but it is best to get back to the tasks for achieving your goal.

F) Excuse and Blames-: “I wasn’t ready.”, “I am too old for this”, “It’s too hard for me.”, “ I couldn’t finish the work because of my colleague.”, etc. needs to be flushed immediately. When you want to achieve big goals in life, there is no space for blames and excuses. It’s YOU and YOUR GOAL, straightaway.

g) Taking a Gigantic Steps-: A long path consists of many steps and skipping some of them is not the right way for a consistent journey. In fact, when you achieve smaller tasks, you get to enjoy the self-confidence and freedom from worry of a huge task ahead.

h) Following Wrong Goals.-: If you are thinking how I can follow wrong goals because I always wanted to be into a particular profession then we are not demoralizing you. Some goals are not meant for you. For example, I love listening to music but I won’t choose to be a musician because that is not who I am. I am someone who can polish my writing skills rather than playing guitar. Yes, I can learn it as a skill but choosing it as a profession may not be a cup of my tea.

If you are avoiding all the above things and focusing on the big goal, there is no one stopping you from achieving the target. You are doing a great job and we appreciate the consistency, perseverance and focus you have put! 

More points will be addressed to in my next Articles which will lead to an interesting topic...

 Thanks for reading