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I will like to follow this illustration,

Firstly what is change?

Where do we need the change ?


How can we Begin the change.

What is change?: 

Change, alter both mean to make a difference in the state or condition of a thing or to substitute another state or condition. To change is to make a material difference so that the thing is distinctly different from what is was.

A change start from with in, we all witness or heard about the protest that took place not long ago, about ending sars, and all sorts, some of us don't know what the #Endsars# mean, 

It means different things to different people though, 

To some is just to end sars, to some both sars and police brutality must come to an end, to some it L/G/B/Q/T + ( lesbianism, gay, bisexual, queer, threat and more)

 Sometimes we don't need our government alone to make a change but you and I can start a change,

Some people think just by giving the poor #10, #20 they're making a change that not change my brother and sister,

Which project do you have in mind for those poor when you have more than enough, that will benefit them and they won't need to beg to live or survive with again,

Even if you don't have more than enough you can do something for your society to be a better place.


Where do we need change?

Anywhere you found yourself, try to make a change, if you see something is going wrong, instead of depending on the government always, do or try to make a betterment, as I write I am in Nigeria, and I am a Nigerian, and I believe everyone one reading this is a Nigerian, you can make Nigeria a better place, we can all do that, if we start now and inculcate the idea in our upcoming generations, am sure Nigeria will be a better place.

How do we Begin to make a change?

 1. Start with something small.

Making a difference doesn't mean doing something that's going to change the world. However, you can do things that make a difference to yourself, your family, friends or community. Do not weigh your efforts to find how big or small they are. Remember that you're making an effort to make someone’s life a little better and to make people happy.

Blood donation

We all know that blood is vital for survival. Blood donation not only rebuilds the lives of millions of people who face medical emergencies, but it is also a kind act of gifting back to the society we live in. Even though being a school student you would be too young to donate blood, one way to get involved in this noble cause is by hosting/ volunteering a blood drive at your school or nearby health care centre. Make a group with your friends to promote blood donation by campaigning in your society.

Feed the hungry

You would have seen a number of people sitting by the roadside, begging for money and food. Little poor kids, who should be served a full nutritious diet, don’t even get food enough to satisfy their hunger. However, by a simple act of kindness and generosity, we can create a world where no one goes to bed without food. You as a young social worker, with the help of your friends or school mates, can collect money and food items for these poor people. By feeding the hungry people you will feel happy, blessed and more satisfied with life.


  Help your local charity raise funds

You as a teenage can successfully raise good funds for a charity. People would appreciate your efforts and feel happy to help you by contributing their part. You may host events like birthday party or holiday celebration where you may ask guests to bring items to donate to your charity instead of presents. You may set up a donation box in your society to bring a small change in the world around you.

  Encourage education

Education is all about empowerment. It is one of the most important factors for retarding and preventing global poverty. You may contribute to increase the nation’s literacy rate by educating more and more people. You may teach your maid, her kids, and others who wish to learn.

If all the youngsters take part in educating illiterate people around us, they can make a huge difference in the society.


Volunteering allows you to connect with your community to work on an issue you care deeply about. You may aware other people about the noble cause you want to work for so that more and more people come forward to support that cause. You this effort can make a real difference to the lives of millions around. However, volunteering for a cause you are passionate about can become truly rewarding and educating. You may reach out to organizations and express your interest in learning from them and helping out. 

 Join with an adult/experienced activist

It’s really beneficial to work with an adult who already works for an issue which you are concerned about. It will help connect with that issue in more effective way. An adult activist will act as a role model supporting your aspirations, introduce you to others in the field and inform you about various opportunities to put your efforts in the right direction.

Our world is desperately waiting for a change. If everyone in this world undertakes at least one social responsibility, then the world will definitely be a better place to live. You can take your initiative at such young stage and set an inspiration for others. After all, you are the future of our nation.






1 comment


This article wooow so very educative am wait from more of this educative article