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Mouth - Bello K Sofiyat

There’s a powerful truth about your words that not many know about, and that is this: What you speak with your mouth, you release into your life.

I heard that during one of Pastor Alan Scott's sermon at church. Words have great power in our life. Especially the ones you speak over yourself! 

So how does it work? First, let me tell you a story. Years ago, in our country, a group of men came together and created the Declaration of Independence. That document went on to be one of the most shaping works of our country. Those men spoke those words out loud, laying the foundation for our country for years to come.

In a similar way, you can use the power of your words to lay foundations and mold and shape your own life. Let me show you how.

Using the power of your words to change your mindset.

Have you ever noticed that when you’re feeling down or discouraged, or when you’re feeling like you can’t do something, that the right words can turn it all around? Here’s what the Proverbs says about that, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” 

Using the power of your words to control your own anger:

When we’re feeling overwhelmed or upset, what’s the first thing we usually do? Lash out at those around us. But often, when we chose to control our words, our tongue, and our tone, we can overcome those emotions of anger and calm ourselves down just by changing the way we’re speaking. “Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body."

Using the power of your words when you’re under attack:

We’ve all been in a situation where we felt like we were being attacked by someone, whether at work or at home. When our character or motives are being called into question, it’s easy to want to lash out. But we can use our words to bring life into these situations as well! “Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.” 

Using the power of your words to encourage yourself:

One of the best things we can do is to teach ourselves to stop and think before we speak. I have made the mistake many times of saying things I didn’t mean in the heat of anger or venting for so long that I talked myself into an even bigger state of discouragement. We can encourage ourselves, and use our words in a powerful way simply by stopping to think before we speak. “The heart of the righteous ponders how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things.”

  Among the best characteristics of a Muslim is to speak only the word of goodness, our religion is in support of good words of our mouths not the other way around,

  It is better to remain silent if you cannot speak the word of goodness, whoever does not keep a check on his/her tongue will regret it.

  So it is best to say good things with our mouth, because words of our mouth are powerful, the words of our mouth can kill, amend, and destroy, what did you want to use the word of your mouth for if I may ask?.

 Watch what you say, your words hurt.

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