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Early Marriage - Bello K. Sofiyat


 Firstly, it's no surprise that many people are getting married at an early age, this includes our country where couple decide to marry from 18 and above, infact 33% women in developing countries marry early, but it is a wise decision to get married early.

   After going through some research, and asking for different prophet of God's opinion on early marriage, I can boldly say early marriage is never a bad thing and will never be.

  According to the holy Quran in suratul Nuur (v.33) that says “And let those who do not find the means to many keep chaste until Allah(SWT) make them free from want out of his grace, and (as for) those who ask for a writing from among those whom your right hands possess, give them the writing if you know any good in them, and give them of the wealth of Allah(SWT) which he has given you, and do not compel your slave girls to prostitution, when they desire to keep chaste, in order to seek the frail good of this world's life, and whoever compels them, then surely after their compulsion Allah(SWT) is forgiving, merciful”. According to this verse Allah(SWT) talk about early marriage, and he never says it's a bad idea.

In other words, early marriage helps in the reduction of adultery, , early marriage promise Hale and Happy sex life, both the partner can get to know each other and fulfil each other's desires and have a healthy long term relationship. Monogamy also reduces the health risk such as sexually transmitted diseases.

When a man and woman marry young they will be parent of their kids, by the time they are in their 30s, this make them strong physically and emotionally to take care of their children, young parent can also be considered cooler parent.

Scientifically, women in their 21-26 years old have higher chance of carrying a healthy baby when they become pregnant in young age, those women who are 35-45 years old and get a let marriage have higher risks of miscarriage because of their biological age related change, science also let us know that, in our present days women are likely to enter mono pose at age 40 and above, so it is advisable to get married early. Aishat the wife to Muhammad Rosululahi, is a prominent example of a woman that get married early and it was successful and fruitful.

 More so, getting married early is good because you will meet your young wife being avirgin and The Noble Prophet (S) has said: "Virgin girls are like fruits on trees. If not plucked in time, the sun will rot them and the wind will disperse them. When girls reach maturity and their sexual instincts arise, like that of women, their only remedy is marriage. If they aren't married, they are prone to moral corruption. It is because they are human beings and human beings are prone to making mistakes."

There is a very subtle message in this saying of the Prophet (S). Just as there is proper timing for plucking fruits, there is a proper age for marriage, for every girl. A girl who cannot understand and shoulder the responsibility of married-life is like a raw fruit that needs to remain on the tree (i.e. her father's home) until it ripens and sweetens. On the other hand if a girl loses the freshness of youth while yet unmarried, then she is like an over-ripe fruit that would further wither away, as the time passes.

  In conclusion, early marriage I can say is a very good idea, it bring young lovers together, and might assure a good and lasting relationship, 




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Anonymous said...

More ink to your pen