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We all have a past. Yes, we all have one! And some past came with a lot of mistakes, most of which occurred ignorantly. 

Imagine you just gained admission into the university, you may be over joyous. You're just adapting and adjusting yourself to the new system, new environment, new academic setting which is different from the previous one, you don't even understand the orientation program. Before you know it, the examination comes up and you have not prepared so well. Then, you are staring at failure right in front of you.

Then, imagine you are in a department where if you fail one course, you will have to repeat and unfortunately you fail; you feel so shattered. It's shameful, moving ahead will be disgraceful and will be like a load that will bruise your confidence.

We all have an handful of pasts. So many things have happened that were very bad, so shameful, so pathetic, so embarrassing... We have had a lot of things that came our way. 

We frequently forget or don't even realize that our past later catches up with our future. Then the future comes and the past messes up with it- It crushes you!

Sometimes, mistakes are inevitable but we need prompt action to rectify them, to reduce them to the barest minimum. We need to be consciously conscious when we act. So I am here to say, "learn the lessons you have to learn from the past and sincerely close the door to that past." Unless you see reasons to let go of the past, it might crush you.

Why don't you begin a new life?

Don’t look down on yourself with the eyes of the past. Carry yourself, you are better than that. Just look at yourself with the eyes and the life God has ordained you to be and move on with it.

Nobody is above mistake but what do we learn and pick from the mistake? Don’t let your past crush you because there is a better tomorrow if you follow the right principle so well.

Dear reader! whatever happens to you, God understands so well and it happens for a reason. Do not stay there, come out, come up and take up the challenge to become a better you. You will surely flourish and be better than your past if you sincerely want a very bright future.

On a more serious note you need to come out of your past because if you keep thinking about it, it will bring more of frustration.

What is amazing about this understanding is that it shows you that the way out of your suffering is always in the present. You can change your perspective , focus on something different , feel your feelings as they are right now.

”If you want to heal from the past, put your attention on your present moment experience”

If you want to be free of the past, lose interest in these sticky thoughts. Know that it doesn’t serve you to repeat them and that thinking they are justified only delays your freedom. Be prepared to take a look at the pure experience of your feelings without the layer of thinking that solidifies them.

How do you let go of the past?

  • Learn a new skill instead of dwelling on the skills you never mastered.
  • Change your perception. See the root cause as a blessing in disguise.
  • Cry it out. Crying away your negative feelings releases harmful chemicals that build up in your body due to stress.
  • Channel your discontent into an immediate positive action. Make some calls about new job opportunities, or walk to the community center to volunteer
  • Focus all your energy on something you can actually control instead of dwelling on things you can’t control.
  •  Express your feelings through a creative outlet, like blogging or painting. Add this to your to-do list and cross it off when you’re done. This will be a visual reminder that you have actively chosen to release these feelings.

Many of us get stuck in the past because of our need for certainty. Certainty is one of the six basic human needs and is fundamentally about survival. We all need to feel certain that we can avoid pain and ideally, find some comfort in our lives. Letting go of the past also means stepping into the unknown future. It means having the courage to let go of what is familiar even if it is negative and being vulnerable enough to embrace and learn from what is ahead.

When you take charge of your emotions, you can learn how to let go of the past in a way that makes you feel lighter and free, instead of fearful. When you catch yourself falling into a negative emotional habit, try to cut off the thought and switch gears immediately. The more you condition yourself, the more wired those emotions become and the more you adapt to any situation thrown your way.

You have to be grateful for your current life. Realize that everything that happened to you in the past is what made you the person you are now: a strong, powerful person who can bounce back from anything. When you love yourself and your life, it’s easier to let go of the past for good

Letting go of the past is much more difficult if you are around people who are constantly reminding you about it. When you surround yourself with positive people who are committed to you, it will be so easy to let go.

Ending on this note, you are just the best and what ever happens to you is really and surely bringing out the best. Let go of the past but learn the best lesson in it and you will surely be great and be fine.

Cheers to the best you.

Heart you so big💖

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