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Hearing God’s voice has become the singular quest of my heart, the sole pursuit that alone satisfies the great longings of my heart

The best attainments in God always come the hardest

We live in a culture that evaluates its priorities based upon immediate results. 

Sowing is USUALLY extremely mundane, boring, and menial. Rarely are the benefits of sowing seen at the time

Authentic spiritual harvest is rarely instantaneous

He who tills his land will be satisfied with bread” (Proverbs 12:11). To have a harvest, you must till (prepare) the soil of your heart and then implant God’s word into your heart. God’s word is powerful seed which will eventually produce a mighty harvest if the soil of our hearts is right

Every moment you spend in the secret place is an investment. You are investing into eternal realities.

So whatever you do, don’t quit! When you feel ineffectual, get stubborn and invest even more.

The word being sown into your heart today is going to germinate, sprout, send roots downward and branches upward, and produce fruit. Catch the secret: He who sows will most assuredly reap secret place is both a place of sanctuary and also of the enemy’s strategic attacks

New Levels , New Devils.


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