Often times when we find ourselves in difficult or unpleasant situations, most times we tend to start the blame game. Students blame their lecturers for giving them low grades. Citizens blame the government for unemployment. The poor blame the rich. Black people blame white people for their problems just as the white people blame black people.
“You are where you are because that is where you have subconsciously chosen to be.”
– Myles Munroe
The Hebrew work for power is ‘Koach’; it literally means “metal or moral ability to act”, while Choice is simply the act of picking between two or more possibilities.
The dynamics of choice is fascinating. An individual can literally make or break their life as the result of their decisions. When one considers the fact that the choices they will make today will determine the quality and standing of their life in ten, twenty, thirty years, the power and effects of those decisions and choices becomes crystal clear.
We should not be ignorant of the fact that God has set before us a great number of important decisions. He knows the importance and the value of each choice that people make. He also knows that our decisions will either aid us or block us in accessing the fullness of our destiny.
“This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you, life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years…”
– Deuteronomy 30:19-20 (NIV)
God has set before us all the power to choose between good and evil, life and death, blessings and curses and he implored us to choose life, to choose to do good, to choose blessings.
A drunk or smoker may blame may blame the company, that sold him he alcohol/cigarette for his addiction. Yet if this same man never took a drink or smoke, he never would have become an alcoholic or a smoker. – The power of Choice.
A student may shift the blame of his failure to his lecturer for being strict with marks when he can decide to read and study hard for the examinations instead of wasting away time in unbeneficial things. – The power of choice.
Citizens blame their government for unemployment. But can a government stop us from being productive if it allows the free choice of its people? Even if the people in power are trying to restrict your productivity, one thing they can never do is rob you of your ability to think.
Citizens blame their representatives for their nation’s corruption. But if leaders are corrupt in a democratic republic, the people are at fault because they voted them into power.
In Myles Munroe’s word; we are experts at blaming our leaders. If your leader is blind, don’t fall in his muddy hole and ask, “Why did you lead me here?” Don’t blame the leader for the way you follow him; just stop following him.
Stop blaming the system. Stop blaming the authorities. Stop blaming your parents. Stop blaming your pastor. Stop blaming your past. Get your act together, and become responsible managers, because this is God’s will for you.
We can’t change the past, but we can determine the quality for our future. We might not like the family into which we were born, but we sure can determine the kind of home in which we rear our children.
A new day has dawned for the 21st century believer and for every human to rise up to the task of taking our responsibility and take charge of our lives.
Choose life, choose to be good and choose blessings!
Bamikunle David Adesola (Dbam)
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